
2022 Project Manager, Trestle Theatre, St Albans
- Present

2022 Advanced and Intermediate Mask Theatre CPD, Trestle Theatre Co LTD

2022 Mask and Half Mask Theatre CPD, Trestle Theatre Co LTD

2021 Student Union Society Officer Representative, Norwich University of the Arts

Fine Art Student Representative, Norwich University of the Arts

2020 Student Union Society Officer Representative, Norwich University of the Arts

2019 Digital ‘Circuit’ Collective with Kettles Yard & Wysing collaboration, Wysing Arts Centre, Cambridge

Young Associates collective, The Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts, Norwich

Front of House Team Assistant, The Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts, Norwich


2021    BA (Hons) Fine Art, First Class (1st), Norwich University of the Arts

2016    Introductory Certificate in Arabic Language, Al-Maktoum College of Higher Education, Dundee

2014    Short course in Arabic Calligraphy, SOAS, University of London

2013    Foundation Diploma in Art and Design, Harrow College, London


2021 Editorial Board Member for NUA’s degree Show Publication

      Featured in Storehouse Magazine


2022 2021-22 PRAXIS Cohort Graduate Professional Development programme, Axisweb

2021 Outstanding Contribution to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Award, Norwich University of the Arts

Finalist - Inspirational Student of the Year Award, Norwich University of the Arts

Finalist - Innovation and Impact Awards: in the category of Outstanding Impact in Health, Wellbeing and Welfare, University of East Anglia

2020 Finalist - Society of The Year Award, Norwich University of the Arts

2019 Wysing AMPlify Digital Residency, Cambridge, mentored by Soheila Sokhanvari 

      Wysing AMPlify Digital Residency, Cambridge, mentored by Harold Offeh, Joey Holder, Jill McKnight, Amanprit Sandhu and John Bloomfield

      Change Maker Award, Norwich University of the Arts